When I Was Your Age – It was MUCH Easier

When I was your age

How  extraordinary that these oh-so-familiar words – “When I was your age” – now have a completely opposite meaning! There was a time when parents often exhorted these words to induce guilt, motivation, and/or reason in their children to excel. Today’s generation of parents is the first perhaps in history that can’t realistically expect – across the entire generation – that their children will do better than they themselves did. That is a powerful statement, but I believe it to be true to the core of my being!

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Parenting Without Losing Yourself at #DadChat

Helicopter Mom

How many parents do you know who have abdicated themselves to their role as dad or mom? How many parents live their lives vicariously through their kid(s)? How can we be the Best Parent we can be yet still maintain our individuality, personal growth, and follow our own passions? Angie Mozilo is our co-host this week and has been a great friend of #DadChat since we began a little over three years ago.

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I’m Mad as Hell, but What Can I Do About it?

Albert Finney

I recently returned home after an extended “leave of absence” during which time I skied a bunch, attended a Dad conference in New Orleans, and spent 2 ½ weeks in Boston helping my son with his sophomore year and packing up to continue whatever is next, back in California (he’s not returning to school in Boston).

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