Quid Pro Quo, #SocialMedia, and #Triberr

Social Media

When I began doing Social Media one of the first things I was told was that for every tweet sent about myself, I should send ten about (and supporting) others. I liked that philosophy. That is why I write this Social Media Social Good series because I believe we have such a GREAT opportunity to do good via Social Media. And, it’s so democratic. Anyone can do good if they set their mind and heart to it! How sweet it is. Hmmm, that would make a good song title?

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Join Our Comment Posse on Triberr

I’ve exhaulted the value of commenting for ages, including in my column, Why I Comment All the Time. Lately, my life has been so hectic that my commenting has devolved to a slight drizzle. Consequently, so have the comments on my web-site. Think there’s a correlation?

NOTE: We filled up our thirty spots in 24 hours! There will be turnover, so stay in touch for those opening spots!

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A Day In the Life of a Social Media Addict


My family accuses me of always being on the computer. Well, I am on the computer a lot, that is my work. I write, I tweet, I Facebook, I host and participate in tweet chats, and I do a radio show. Plus, I write a comic strip and other assorted things like fully redesigning BruceSallan.com right now. I imagine if I went to an outside office vs. work at home, their impression might be a bit different.

So, for the fun of it, for them and for those of you wondering what a busy day looks like in the life of someone active in social media and traditional media, for that matter, let’s take a look at Thursday’s timeline!

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