#DadChat is Taking a Sabbatical


For over four years, I’ve run #DadChat and it’s been an INCREDIBLE experience. I only missed it a few times, managing to find a wi-fi spot on the road, in the oceans off the coast of Africa, and in so many other circumstances.

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The College Visit – Syracuse University – Go Orange! #DadChat

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I am on the train, returning from visiting Syracuse University with my son. It wasn’t a traditional junior-year college visit because he had already been accepted under “early decision” and had already committed. Nonetheless, the experience was probably pretty similar to the college visits many kids and parents embark on. For my son and me, it was truly awesome. Yeah, I used the over-used “A” word, because it perfectly captures the spirit of the past 24 hours best.

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Brunst Flash Mob Singing in New York – #NYCTV #DadChat

I’m on a train from Penn Station in New York to Syracuse University, with my son Aaron Sallan, after spending an amazing 4 1/2 days in New York City with his acapella singing groups from Calabasas High School.

They were invited to perform at Carnegie Hall by Deke Sharon who is known to be the Godfather of modern acapella. On the way to their performance (many more videos from the trip and rehearsals will be coming), this spontaneous event took place. All I had was my iPhone but I did my best to capture the incredible spirit of these kids.

And, btw, they ROCKED Carnegie Hall!

The Empty-Nest Comes to #DadChat

The empty-nest syndromeThe Empty-Nest Syndrome. We all hear about it but when our kids are young we believe it’s so far away. Trust me, it happens in the blink-of-an-eye. We are a few months away from our second son leaving for college. Are you prepared for the empty-nest? Will your kids even be able to leave home? More kids are returning home – after college – to live than ANY time in our history – I believe it’s over 80% for extended periods of time! This Thursday, March 26 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET we will TAKE on the Empty-Nest for those in the throes of it and those that will face it – hopefully!

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