Dumb Dung Beetle #Africa #DadChat

Africa is a miracle from the biggest animals in the world to the smallest dung beetle. They all have their genetic habits and miracles. Watch how the dung beetle builds its home and how “she” goes along for the ride!

Stress #Stress Stress #DadChat


The big problem of our contemporary world seems to be stress. Yes, of course there are bigger “Macro” problems, but in my life most everyone I know seems overwhelmed and drops the “S” word regularly. Wasn’t technology supposed to alleviate stress? Why has this happened? In my usual fashion, I have meticulously researched this subject and here forth my conclusions.

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Disco Night at #DadChat Saturday, I Mean Thursday! #Polyester #Prizes

It’s the 70’s again. It’s Raining Men and I’d Love to Love You, Baby. We’re going to Boogie Oogie Oogie because You SHOULD Be Dancing. Life is grand so I’m Stayin’ Alive because Heaven Is Missing An Angel (my wife) and I Feel Love from so many! Hey, It’s a Funky Town, so Don’t Leave Me This Way, because I WILL SURVIVE and feel no Shame!  So, join us in your bell bottoms, leisure suits, and platforms shoes! –  this Thursday night at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET.

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My Son Got His Own Place – Why Do I Feel Sad? #DadChat

BJ & Boys 9-04

My older son just moved into his own place, with two roommates. I played no part in its choice or the details of when, how, and how much other than some minor consulting. And, I didn’t even visit his place until two weeks after he’d moved in. Much to my surprise, I felt confused feelings (melancholy) after the visit and I’ve been pondering the reasons since.

Given the incredible difficulty our young adult children are having securing good employment and paying for their lives, an adult child that gets his own place is obviously a good thing. Yes, to a small degree, I am still helping my son but he is now paying his own bills, managing his own money, and hanging onto his own job.

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What’s On Your Mind? #DadChat is Open Forum This Week!

Cartoon about what's on your mind - person and dogSometimes, I envy my dogs’ lives! So simple. The world is a complicated place these days – always has been. But, as a parent we face concerns beyond ourselves. Let’s share what is on OUR minds – whether it be serious or light this Thursday, March 5 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET. I might have a cool giveaway, too!


Men vs. Women: Sleeping #DadChat

Vintage photograph

Ah, the joys of sleeping. Do you think men and women approach and do sleeping at all differently? Well, of course they do because – gulp – men and women are so inherently different, as this 25th installment in this blog series will demonstrate with its usual careful analysis, astute observation, and painstaking research!

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