It’s Not Prostitution; It’s Just an Arrangement #Sex #DadChat

Lips and Money - girls and gold-diggers

As often is the case, a dinner conversation can be the fodder for a good column. At dinner with my wife and a female friend we were talking about how the sexual habits and views of sex have changed so very much in our lifetimes. When we were young, the words “hook up” or “hooking up” simply met meeting a friend. Now they mean having sex. So, it’s no surprise that the “friends with benefits” idea would extend further than simply a consenting couple having sex now and then. Now there are “arrangements” where financial terms are discussed up front in exchange for sex.

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#HomeSafety for The Holidays at #DadChat #Christmas


It’s the Holiday Season, Christmas-time, and everyone is excited and happy. However, during this festive time there are often many home safety disasters as well as those we always hear about, on the road. This important issue is often lost amidst all the “cheer.” #DadChat will tackle Home Safety this Thursday, December 11 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET, along with sponsor Kidde, and we’ll ask the tough questions, and help YOU have a safe as well as happy holiday season. We also have some special giveaways from Kidde that you can win at this week’s #DadChat!

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Saving Money #Christmas #DadChat


I was talking with a good friend who happened to share that her brother had recently gotten a promotion, yet he was always in money trouble. When I probed for the reason, she really didn’t have any, but it provoked a discussion about how people spend, save, and manage their money. This friend went on further to state she didn’t know how she could even be related (to her brother) given their completely opposite habits about money.

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The Art of Social Media with Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick at #DadChat

The Art of Social Media

We are honored to have the authors of the just published book — The Art of Social MediaGuy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick as our guests at #DadChat Thursday, December 11 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET. Guy is making his fourth appearance at #DadChat and continuing his streak of educating our community on the topic of his latest book. It’s worth noting that Guy is the father of four boys. Peg is both his co-author and business partner, as well as a mom and Social Media star in her own right. Plus, YOU can win one of THREE copies of their new book this week at #DadChat.

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David — #Mentoring #DadChat #TikkunOlam

I see the light - mentoring

I have been a mentor/friend to “David” for a half-dozen years or so – long enough that I don’t really remember (how long). David (a pseudonym) is in his twenties and suffers from a rare disease in which he has a handful of challenges and remains intellectually and emotionally at the level of about a 12-14 year old. He has minor symptoms of autism, walks a bit awkwardly, and his speech is sometimes difficult to understand.

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