Popularity in Life, #Love, and #SocialMedia at #DadChat

Mean Girls

Who doesn’t have that horrid memory of high school or middle school when you were snubbed, ignored, or made fun of? Today, popularity is public. How many friends do you have on Facebook? How many views did your Vine or Instagram or YouTube post get? Our kids use #SocialMedia in ways that are good AND hurtful to themselves and others. And, it’s there forever. HOW do we all work with this today in Life, Love, and Social Media? THAT is our topic Thursday, November 13 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET. We’ve special guest Nathan Engels, an expert on SEO joining us. AND, we are giving away THREE copies of his new book, How to Grow on Twitter for Bloggers!

Book on SEO and Social Media

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A Column about #Sex – That’s Original

Sex - Kamasutra

As I enter the twilight years of my life – or at least the latter half of my life – I have come to the conclusion that I will never fully understand women and sex. However, I have gotten better than the stumbling young man I used to be and wanted to share some random observations that may help other stumbling men (and women).

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Are Your Feelings Your Moral Guide? #DadChat

We live in a world that seems to be governed by “feelings.” The classic therapy question is, “How do you feel (about that)?” Well, SHOULD our feelings be our guide in life and decisions? THAT is this week’s Moral Question of the Week. Add your thoughts in the comment section, below…

The Ultimate Quest – Balancing #Work and #Family – with Darren Rowse aka @ProBlogger at #DadChat

Work Life Balance cartoon

This Thursday, October 30 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET we will take on that evergreen topic and contemporary struggle of HOW to balance work and family: Work-Life Balance. And, we’ve got Darren Rowse aka @ProBlogger to lead us in this important dialogue. Anyone EVER struggle with this issue?

I’ve regularly expressed that we ALL need tech time-outs. One of my suggestions to help with this problem is that families have a tech basket at the family dining table. At ANY meal, ALL devices go in the basket, turned OFF!

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Making a Living #Money #Work #Career #DadChat

Work-Life Balance

A recent study reflected a remarkable change in parents’ expectations for their children’s future. For the first time in memory, the majority of parents did NOT expect their children to exceed their parent’s fiscal success. And, in my opinion, this is the reality we are currently facing. I had it easier than my boys’ do and will. I was lucky. They may not be so lucky.

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