Don’t Let the HATERS Get You or Your Kids at #DadChat Thursday

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The Haters are coming! The Haters are coming! Sadly, they are already here and “they” can affect us all. One wrong step (in their eyes) and they go for the jugular. We’ve seen it happen in the public sphere when a politician or “star” says something off-color or simply makes a mistake. Boom – let’s get him! BUT, it can and does happen to our kids in the micro world of their lives. We’ve all read about the girls who have committed suicide due to HATERS in their Social Media World. #DadChat will TAKE THEM ON this Thursday, July 23 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET.

This week’s #DadChat transcript and stats

Social Media Do's and Don'ts

#Parenting from Josh’s Point-of-View at #DadChat Thursday

The Daddy Diaries cover

Click on the book cover to go directly to Amazon to purchase it!

This Thursday, July 16 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET, #DadChat will return again with special guest, author Joshua Braff. He’s got a new book out (more on it below), “The Daddy Diaries,” as well as others he’s written. We will get his perspective on parenting and we’ll have an open dialogue on whatever is on your mind!

This week’s #DadChat Transcript and Stats

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My Parenting Mistakes

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Most parent bloggers and speakers come across – with intention – as experts. I’ve always claimed to be a layman dad blogger. I write from the view that I am doing my best but I make mistakes along the way. Recently, I feel those mistakes have come back to bite me in the a**. I want to share them so others may learn and, perhaps, not make the same mistake. Often, in 20-20 hindsight, it’s easy to see the mistake, but in-the-moment we usually try to make the best decision.

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