Race and Parenting with Ylonda Gault – New Book “Child Please” at #DadChat

Official Ylonda Gault Caviness_credit Keith Major

This week’s #DadChat Transcript and Stats

Does race play any role in parenting? Author Ylonda Gault brings some refreshing, candid, and honest answers to this question and the general role of parenting to #DadChat on July 9 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET. Cherylyn Harley LeBon will also be joining us with her wisdom on just about EVERYTHING! Win a copy of Ylonda’s new book – maybe we’ll give away two or three? Her new book, “Child Please” has received such advance praise as this:

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Moral Question of the Week: Do You Rescue (Your Loved Ones)?

Right and Wrong

This is a tough question because like most moral questions, there are nuances to it. For those familiar with AA and Al-Anon, the idea of rescuing a loved one is front and center. IF your loved one is an adult the general thinking is that rescuing = enabling. However, when do we stop “rescuing” our children? When do they begin to “own” their own actions? Of course I do not mean life and death situations, but forgetting to do homework? Do YOU do it for them?

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The Case for NOT Having Children

Little girl smoking a cigarette

Every parent goes through ups and downs in the parenting journey. Up until recently, I felt every bump in the road was worth hitting the proverbial ceiling from those bumps and that the journey was well worth the costs; emotional and financial. Right now, for the first time in my life, I’m beginning to understand the Millennials that I meet who say they don’t want children. I also fully understand my oldest friend, who declared ever since he was a young adult that he didn’t want to have children.

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Has #SocialMedia Let You Down?

The evolution of communication

I’ve gone from literally a 24/7 presence in Social Media to a semi-shutdown and withdrawal. Perhaps it wasn’t as hard as those people that go cold turkey with smoking cigarettes (I never smoked)  but it was still a shock to the system. It also wasn’t an immediate “shutdown” though it accelerated pretty quickly. The reasons are significant, paramount, and revelatory – a nice run of adjectives, don’t you think? Are those adjectives? I never was particularly good at grammar. Auto-correct occasionally saves me from myself.

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Change is Good; Change Stinks

The evolution of a butterfly

We all have our weak spots and change is one of mine. I know change is good – much of the time, but that doesn’t make the fact that I like things to be a certain way, in a certain place, at a certain time, certainly! I resist change. And, change fights me. We simply don’t like each other.

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Too Busy and/or Not Busy Enough #DadChat

Busy comic - about my wife

My wife has three middle names: I’m Busy, I’m Tired, and Loren. Her parents gave her the third one while I gave her the first two. I thought when she stopped working, the I’m Busy name might no longer be relevant but I was wrong. Somehow, she seems even busier – at least in her own mind. Granted, she’s an awesome (and anal-compulsive) housekeeper as well as a tremendous cook.

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