Triple Decker Sandwich on #DadChat, Find the Secret Word

1/26/12 – Tonight at #DadChat we will tackle The Triple Decker Sandwich Generation – Our Seniors, Ourselves, and Our Children with special guest and expert @BarryBirkett. Be there at 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST.

We are having a contest! “Find” the secret word in last week’s radio broadcast and win your very own caricature from our extraordinary “Because I Said So” illustrator, VoogDesigns. ALL you have to do is email me the secret word to and include something “extra.” The winner will be announced on air, February 2, but you do not have to be listening to win. read more

Find the Secret Word, Why I Love to Ski

1/25/12 – We are having a contest! “Find” the secret word in last week’s radio broadcast and win your very own caricature from our extraordinary “Because I Said So” illustrator, VoogDesigns. ALL you have to do is email me the secret word to and include something “extra.” The winner will be announced on air, February 2, but you do not have to be listening to win.

Tomorrow at #DadChat we will tackle The Triple Decker Sandwich Generation – Our Seniors, Ourselves, and Our Children with special guest and expert @BarryBirkett. Be there at 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST. read more

Find the Secret Word Contest, Values, #Money, Our Kids, and the Real World

1/24/12 – We are having a contest! “Find” the secret word in last week’s radio broadcast and win your very own caricature from our extraordinary “Because I Said So” illustrator, VoogDesigns. ALL you have to do is email me the secret word to and include something “extra.” The winner will be announced on air, February 2, but you do not have to be listening to win.

This Thursday at #DadChat we will tackle The Triple Decker Sandwich Generation – Our Seniors, Ourselves, and Our Children with special guest and expert @BarryBirkett. Be there at 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST. read more

#DadChat Transcript, How to Stay Cool to Your Kids

1/20/12 – The battle FOR gender supremacy was held last night at #DadChat! By all accounts it was a draw but you can determine if you think there was a winner by reading the transcript! Co-host Mimi Baker was simply marvelous!

Enjoy the new Because I Said So comic strip, Language of Love, and see Dad DO #Elvis!

The new “A Dad’s Point-of-View”column is How to Stay Cool to Your Kids. Enjoy and maybe it will help you be cool (to them)? read more