Listening to the travails of two of our single women friends has motivated me to write this column and ask some questions, ponder some societal changes, and simply vent a bit.
Tag Archives: #DadChat
Is Dad EVER Appropriate – Our #Halloween Comic
Are Your Feelings Your Moral Guide? #DadChat
We live in a world that seems to be governed by “feelings.” The classic therapy question is, “How do you feel (about that)?” Well, SHOULD our feelings be our guide in life and decisions? THAT is this week’s Moral Question of the Week. Add your thoughts in the comment section, below…
We’re Moving #DadChat
Can a Banana be Politically Correct?
It’s time our Moral Question of the Week took on something hard! The other day my wife threw out, what appeared to me, perfectly good bananas. She said because they were covered with brown spots she believed that they were no longer good. She said doctors say there’s too much sugar in them at that point. I always thought that the slightly brown-patched bananas were actually better and tastier. What do you think?
The Men of The Ebony Village #Africa #Travel
We visited a touristy site in Tanzania, Africa – a village where they made and sold ebony items. I made my way behind the stores and met these men – it told the real story…
#School, #Curriculum, #Kids, and How WE #Parents Fit at #DadChat
When I went to primary school way back in the B&W days of no remote control and transistor radios and rotary phones, my parents had little to do or worry about when I headed out the door. In fact, they had little to worry about after school as well because I rode my bike wherever I wanted as long as I got home before dark. Mom made sure I carried a dime “just in case” I needed to call home. It’s slightly different now!