Embarrassing Your Kids

Funny photo of polar bear

Most parents know that there’s one thing they can do that will embarrass their kids the most. ANYTHING. Simply being dad or mom is embarrassing to our kids. The sooner we realize this, the sooner we’ll stop trying to change our own behavior. It’s impossible because whatever we do, however we change, it’s going to embarrass our kids. To a degree, that’s our job. Maybe they’ll become independent that much quicker simply to get away from our embarrassing actions. read more

Accountability and Goals at #DadChat


What does this comic strip have to do with this week’s #DadChat? Nothing, but it’s funny!

Every New Year people make resolutions and every subsequent year they tend to renew the same ones. We are NOT going to do that at our first #DadChat of the New Year on Thursday, January 2 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. PT. Nope, we’re going to simply – funny choice of word – chat about Goals and Accountability. As much as it would seem ripe to make this discussion about D.C. and their total lack of accountability, we’re going to stay closer to home – our families and ourselves!

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Favorite Christmas Memories and Re-Gifting at #DadChat

It’s the day after Christmas and all is quiet in the house. Well, the house is actually quite a mess. Pieces of wrapping and tinsel are everywhere. Leftover turkey and pumpkin pie are being eaten by the dog. The record player – anyone remember what those are – is skipping and playing The Christmas Song over and over again by Nat King Cole. It’s gently snowing outside…and it’s time for #DadChat on this Thursday, December 26 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET.

Let’s talk about our favorite Christmas memories – new and old. And, let’s talk about how re-gifting can be a beautiful way to help others!

Bruce is still lost in Africa somewhere. He hopes to join the fun, but who knows if the pirates that kidnapped him will let him use his laptop! In his absence Edna Myers is hosting this evening.

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Pride Was My Downfall

Pride t-shirt

There are a lot of “P’s” that help in life, but Pride is NOT one of them. I often extol the virtues of passion, persistence, and pharmaceuticals (just kidding), but pride is one of those things than usually gets in the way of our success.

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The Christmas Music Special Never Gets Old

Part 1- Introduction and Opening Remarks by BruceFeatured guests:

Best Christmas Music Special with Special Guests: Dean Martin, The Beach Boys, Brenda Lee, The Jackson Five, Jimmy Durante, Bing Crosby, The Sallan Boys, The Andrews Sisters, The Ventures, The Ronnettes, Kate Smith, The Drifters, Johnny Mathis, Aretha Franklin, Annie Lennox, Bruce Springsteen, The Dickies, Gene Autry, Bobby Helms, The Cadillacs, The Four Seasons, Darlene Love, The Crystals, Shedaisy, Chubby Checker & Bobby Rydell, Willie Nelson, Jimmy Boyd, Elvis Presley, Nat King Cole, Peter, Paul & Mary, Jose Feliciano, Burl Ives, Eartha Kitt, and Spike Jones.

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Basic Social Media Etiquette, Part I

Cartoon about Good Manners

Yes, Hank Ketcham was thinking of me!

There are many columns about Netiquette as it’s been termed by some – or proper etiquette on Social Media. I have my own thinking and thoughts on this that I’d like to share. It’s less only etiquette than ways to make things easier for all and, in some cases, just thoughts on how to make things better for all.

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The Best, The Worst, and “It’s a Wonderful Life”

Clint Eastwood Movie Poster

Thanksgiving has just passed and I hope everyone had a lovely time. I hope everyone actually took some time from the food and the games to actually “give thanks.” I also hope everyone ignored all the political pleas to discuss politics at the Thanksgiving Meal. What a horrible idea and suggestion! But, most of all, I hope and pray that everyone reflected on the blessings in their lives and encouraged their kids to give thanks along with the adults.

The Holiday Season is a very complicated time of the year. On the surface, it seems it should be filled with joy, fun, and family love. Under the surface, we all know that the reality of family get-togethers can bring out lots of emotional wounds, animosities, and other old business. When you add eggnog and other so-called “spirits” into the mix, it’s often the adults who make the biggest fools of themselves.

As parents, we like to imbue tradition into our family lives and create new traditions with and for our children. One of ours is something I heartily recommend as a regular happening, but suggest that it might be especially good to do at a holiday meal. We did this every Friday evening at our Shabbat dinner. First, we lit the candles, and then said the blessing over the wine, the children, and finally the bread, aka challah.

The Best

During the meal that followed we would share our “Bests and Worst.” Note that “worst” is singular, which I’ll explain shortly. In no particular order, we would each take turns sharing the best and the worst things that happened to us in the previous week. There was no limit to the number of “bests,” but we wisely limited the “worsts” to a single one so we’d all get in the habit of looking at the blessings in our lives rather than dwelling on the problems or minor irritations of the week. And, let’s face it: most of them are minor!

When my boys were younger, I’d need to prod their memory about what had happened during the week before. Their world-view was short and often they could only bring up things that happened to them that day. With time, age, and experience, the boys became as seasoned as the adults at sharing and participating in this Sallan tradition.

We extended an invitation to any dinner guests to join in our tradition and I don’t think we ever had a person decline. They’d listen to some of us go first, get the idea, and then volunteer their own experiences.


Perhaps you can bring this tradition to your family? Perhaps you have your own traditions that help celebrate gratitude and reflect on the many blessings most of us share living in the United States and in a time when health and our general welfare is the best in human history.

Do not think I’m a Pollyanna that doesn’t understand the grave problems humanity faces all over the world, in addition to the many challenges we face right here at home. But, during the holidays, it behooves us to try and bring the brightness of life into the room, at the dinner table, and around the Menorah or Christmas tree or at the Thanksgiving meal.

The habit of speaking out about the good in one’s life can help us actually bring this attitude into our hearts and minds. With the repetition of all that blesses us, we might actually believe our good fortune, especially during the times when things may be rough. Let’s face it, all good times and all bad times come and go. Life is not inert. It flows with good and occasional bad. Our choice comes to bear in how we view life – our attitude will guide us to count the positives with greater magnitude than the negatives.

Again, my mantra of parental modeling comes to bear. Mom and Dad show the way in their appreciation of their blessings. We show the way in how we express our gratitude at every family meal and perhaps with greater vigor at the special-occasion meals and holidays.

Frank Capra's Christmas Classic, It's a Wonderful Life

One of my favorite movies of all-time is, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” I am blessed to own two original posters from the movie. I was further blessed to share a cross-country flight many years ago with Frank Capra, the incredible director of that incredible movie, made in 1946.

“It’s a Wonderful Life” was not a hit when it came out. Sometime during the subsequent years it grew in popularity and has emerged as an all-time holiday favorite. The lessons in this movie are so pure and simple in how each one of us can impact the lives of others.

What can you and/or your children do in the coming months to make such an impact on the lives of those around you? Perhaps, this is the time to be “George Bailey?”

It's a Wonderful Life