#DadChat Is Having It All

Got a couple fun, new columns up this week. Seven Days Without My iPhone was my true adventure and the REAL challenge I faced on my recent heli-skiing trip. After seeing the new DisneyNature film “Chimpanzee,” I was inspired to write An Ironic Father-Son Story #IRL. You will immediately understand the title upon reading the column. We’ve got great guests lined up for #DadChat, with The Barefoot Executive, Carrie Wilkerson coming this Thursday, April 19 and Mack Collier of #blogchat joining us the following Thursday, April 26. Please don’t forget to mark your calendar for May 17, when Guy Kawasaki is our very special co-host. I hope you’re enjoying my vlogs – the 10th one will be posted tomorrow in the I’m NOT That Dad area. And, stay tooned for the next Because I Said So comic in which dad lets one out…so to speak…this one again taking place at the gym.

The DadChat TweetChat Joins the Best – Blogchat, CMchat, Speakchat, UsGuys

 The #DadChat Tweet Chat – For Anyone Who Is a Parent or Was a Child!

 All future DadChat topics and details will be posted on its own page. Following are some of the highlights of recent chats and further down, a more general overview and suggestions/tips for joining in.

#DadChat on Thursday, November 10, at 6:00 – 7:00 p.m, PST was about Sex and Our Kids. We also had two charity auctions for OUR troops and raised over $500. #DadChat, as far as I know, is the first and ONLY Tweet Chat to do charity auctions! read more

Blogchat: Faster Than a Speeding Bullet

Some of the #blogchat participants on July 24, 2011

UPDATE: I can’t nor ever will try to compete with #BlogChat ’cause it’s the BEST. But, I’ve begun my own TweetChat based on my “A Dad’s Point-of-View” columns and experiences called #DadChat. Our inaugural chat was on April 20, 2011, and it was based on the “Love Means Saying NO” column. It began as #aDadsPov but we changed it to #DadChat. Like all chats, it will evolve but my gut says it will tend to be on more general topics related to parents, marriage, teens, relationships, and more vs. a particular “A Dad’s Point-of-View” column. The day/time is now Thursday evenings from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST. Write me with any thoughts at bruce@brucesallan.com.

Thanks to @womensville, @lifeonprint, @PlacesFirst, @twchat, @macknowledge, @geekbabe (for a drop in of support!), @msclocia (also a drop-in – will be with us next time), @HHTalkes, @judiknight, @thinkingparents, @ThinDifference, @MatchesMalone, @notasupermom for joining our first one!

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