The #Grammys come to #DadChat – #Music

The GrammysThis weekend is The Grammys. So, let’s talk music and favorite artists/songs at #DadChat this Thursday, February 5 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. Read the list of nominees and share YOUR favorites with us! ET. Who do you love? Sia, Sam Smith, Iggy Azalea, Taylor Swift, or Meghan Trainor (the nominees for Record of the Year)? We have our own music expert with us again, in Jason Ramsey, back for more punishment, I mean more fun!

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Bills Bills Bills #CustomerService #DadChat

Quote about paying the bills

I just did my bill paying. Well, I sort of did my bill paying. Over the years, I’ve hated doing bills more and more. NOT because of the expense, though that is certainly an unpleasant part of it, but because of the process. Back in the day, we wrote checks, put them in envelopes, licked a stamp, stuck it on an envelope, and mailed it. How quaint. How efficient.

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Teaching #Leadership to Our Kids at #DadChat – #Giveaways

Leadership cartoon - #humor
Where will our kids learn about leadership? From our leaders? Okay, that was a rhetorical question. From our celebrities? Another rhetorical question. From parents that are not present or work all the time? You know the answers to all these questions. There’s a vacuum and those of us still doing parenting must fill it – at least for our kids. We can’t count on schools to do much of anything other than teach a politically correct agenda. So, #DadChat has brought on two experts in this area to help us figure it out and learn how to teach leadership (to our kids). Alli Polin and Karin Hurt will be our guest hosts this Thursday, January 29 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET. We will be giving away THREE copies of Karin’s book, “Overcoming an Imperfect Boss.”
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My Awakening at “Spring Awakening” #DadChat

Spring Awakening

My son recently was the stage manager for a local production of the musical, “Spring Awakening” which he’d declared for a couple of years as his favorite musical. My wife and I had not seen it before this local production and didn’t know the story other than a brief synopsis that our son provided. He was very proud of this particular production so we attended it with great anticipation and excitement.

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Disagreement, Fighting, and Conflict (Resolution) at #DadChat

Cartoon about fighting and conflict

Have you ever fought with your kids? Your partner? Okay, rhetorical questions of course! But, HOW do you fight and HOW do your kids fight and HOW do you all deal with conflict? THAT is the question and topic for #DadChat this Thursday, January 22 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET. The topic was AGGRESSIVELY pitched to us by #DadChat regular Noelle Campbell who will be our co-host this week! She wouldn’t take NO for an answer. Interesting…I like strong women (I’m lying…no, I’m not).

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The Ex NEVER Goes Away

Quote about the ex-wife

My boys went to visit their mother over the just-passed holidays. They see her infrequently and this visit also included the first visit with their grandmother in about eight years. I got regular texts from each boy expressing different reactions of discomfort about the visit and tension between each other. As with much in life, things don’t go away and the emotions that were raised by this visit for them – and indirectly for me – were powerful. And, not easy. No one ever said life would be easy!

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Why Men HATE #ValentinesDay

Valentine's Day cartoon

No one could ever accuse me of being too PC (politically correct). Just listen to my rant about PC lies! I’m always willing to also address the inherent differences between the sexes, in honest and frank ways. Just read my Men vs. Women blog series. Not only do I hate Valentines Day, I hate using the word, “gender” in place of “sex” when referring to men and women. Sometimes I use “gender” just to avoid the letters I’m bound to receive from the PC police, but since I’m taking on Valentine’s Day, I might as well go for it all at once.

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